挪威晚邮报Aftenposten在去年圣诞节期间推出了一项“圣诞日历”的人物专题。该专题采访了24名有不同国家背景的挪威籍青年,以每天一位人物的形式刊登在报纸以及网站上。其中首位人物就是一名来自中国的女孩,庞雪琦。我们在阅读了这个专题以后觉得非常有趣,尤其是在关于他们身份背景问题的回答上面,可以看到很不一样的态度和观点,推荐各位读者亲自去阅读,请用google搜索“aftenposten julekalender”.

姓名:Xueqi Pang 庞雪琦
图片由Andrian Nilsen提供。
You came to our sight first when we saw your story at Aftenposten. So why and how did they choose you as one the of the 24 people?
I believe they chose me because I wrote a commentary piece on whitewashing in
Hollywood where I criticized and encouraged Disney and Sony to choose an Asian
person to play Mulan in the upcoming movies
(http://www.aftenposten.no/meninger/sid/Kjare-Disney_-la-Mulan-vare-kinesisk–Xueqi-Pang-607705b.html). That piece got published a couple months before the advent calendar. I think they really appreciated a loud Chinese opinionated female voice and asked me to open the advent calendar.
You are studying journalism at HiAO, so why are you interested in this subject?

(图片作者:Eskil Wie)
I developed an early interest in literature and writing – both fictional and journalistic –
during my childhood. I love watching documentaries about subcultures, religions and
nature, that I soon decided I also wanted to document the world too. Journalism is about documenting and bringing information to the people. That is I want to do.
我从小就对文学以及写作很感兴趣,也包括小说和新闻。 我很喜欢有关宗教,亚文化以及自然的纪录片,我也想通过自己来记录这个世界。记者这个行业就是有关记录以及把信息呈现给大众的。所以我选择了这个专业。
You are a journalist at Universitas, so as a professional media worker, how do you
see the press environment in Norway? It is a big question, so let me give you some examples. In some countries, they have problems of censorship from government,
religion or other group, is there any censorship in Norway? And what are they? While in some other countries, they have problem of being too sponsor-driven or profit driven. Advertisers either influence them or they are producing to many sensational stories to gain attention. Amusing Ourselves to Death, as Neil Postmans said, do you see these problems in Norway? Another problem is, for some media, they may try to keep neutral, but the journalists have big prejudice or bias on some agenda. Do you see these problems in Norway?
I am actually a photojournalist at the biggest student newspaper in Norway –
Universitas, but I do work both as a freelance journalist and photojournalist at Utrop, the multicultural newspaper based in Oslo. I think the press environment I Norway is, overall, very good. Of course there are some issues that are either looked over or taboo to write about, but if the right journalists decide to attack an issue, they are free to do so. My lecturers encourage us to write what is hard to write about. I personally don’t feel any limits as a Norwegian journalist. About sponsor-driven journalism, we are looking at one of the modern types of journalism that is something that will stay for now. The economy around journalism is not great, and we are to see more of sponsor contents and so called “click baits”. The money journalism get from sponsors can then later produce important journalistic investigative and critical projects.
What about media coverage about China in Norway? What are Norwegian media are focusing on China? How do you rate or evaluate those coverages? Bad, good or bias?
在挪威关于中国的新闻报道是怎样的? 挪威媒体对中国关注的点是什么? 你是如何评价这些新闻报道的? 好,坏还是有偏见的?

(图片作者:Eskil Wie)
I think there are few news coverages about China in Norway or Chinese people in
Norway. But when there is any form of coverage, it can be biased. Often showing the
worst sides of the country. For instance, the focus on China’s animal policies and
treatment. Especially the Yulin-dog meat festival that puts China in a bad light, when it really only represents the one percent of the people.
Myself, I wish the Norwegian press gave the Chinese people in Norway more coverage than the country China itself. I see very few Norwegian Chinese faces in media which is sad and not encourign other Eastern-Asian people to involve in the public debate.
China and Norway has normalized the relationship last December, what do you see in the Norwegian media?
(图片作者:Eskil Wie)

That is too early for me to say. I haven’t really seen much coverage about the two
countries’ relationship.
China has made a new TV group called China Global Television Network, CGTN,
which offer news in multiple languages. It is actually on Getbox in Norway now, have you watched it?
I haven’t seen it because I never watch traditional television anymore. I do read some alternative online news stories about China.
China has put a lot of effort to gain more international media power, they call it as media battle, so in your opinion, what can be done to help with it?
I am not a media expert, and I don’t feel I have enough experience, knowledge or
academic excellence to answer this question.
What brought your parents here in Norway? I mean Norway is not famous in China.
请问你的父母是怎么想到要来挪威的? 挪威在普遍中国人心目中还是一个相对小众的国家。
My immigration story is very typical. My dad got a job offer as a cook in a restaurant. My mother was pregnant with me at the time, and followed after my dad after my birth. She got a job as waitress after a few years. When they had made enough money, they bought a restaurant. There are quite a few Chinese people from my home place,
Zhoushan, in Norway.
Do you speak or read Chinese? What is your name in Chinese? Do you visit China
regularly? What differences have you seen in China?
那你会说或者看得懂中文吗? 你的中文名字是? 你会定期回中国吗?
I do speak Chinese, but at a very low level. My Chinese name is 庞雪琦 (Pang Xue Qi). I visit China approximately once every two years. Last time was summer 2016.
Which Chinese foods do you like best?
I love my grandparent’s cooking. Crabs, buns, fried wonton, fried rice, Peking duck. I
also like more westernized Chinese food such as fried chicken in sweet-sour sauce.
What do you like or not like about China? The same question for Norway.
你有什么喜欢或者不喜欢中国的地方? 还有挪威。
What I like about China is the culture, the arts and the history. I am very proud of my
Chinese heritage and I think the country is geographically beautiful. I don’t like China
when it comes to gender roles and stereotyping the female and males. Norway has a
very open view on gender. I am very proud of Norway, it’s an open minded nation. I also like Norway’s nature and the clean air.
Does your Chinese background give you any difference in Norway? I mean both
benefit or trouble that it brings to you.
你的中国背景是否给你在挪威生活带来一些不同? 我意思是对你生活带来的好处或者坏处。
As a child I used to get bullied for my Chinese background because kids are mean and immature or because their parents taught them it is okay to make fun of people of minority background. But today, I hardly feel my background is problem. I rather consider it as an advantage. I can view the world from two perspectives. My cultural background has made me a more empathic person because I can relate to both ethnic Norwegians and Chinese. Even other minorities from all over world. I am a richer person because this.
Some media have stereotype of Chinese parenting. The “tiger mother” of
CHUA obviously has strengthened this. How do you view the family education given by your parents? In what way they are doing well or not? Do you consider your parents as kind of tiger parents? What difference do you see in original Norwegian family?
一些媒体对中国式家长有刻板的印象。AMY CHUA虎妈的形象更印证了这点。你是如何看待你爸妈给你的家庭教育? 你觉得他们这样的方式好还是不好? 你觉得你父母是虎爸虎妈么? 你觉得中国式家庭和传统挪威家庭有什么不同?
None of my parents are what we call “tiger moms” or dads. Although I think I might end up as a minor tiger mom myself. I don’t know if that is bad or good…
Luckily for me, my mother and grandparents have always encouraged me be whatever I like in life. Of course they have also hoped for me to become a lawyer or a doctor, but all of us can’t chase the stereotypes and become doctors. They did indeed make it clear for me since grade one, that education and school are always the main priorities. My parents and elders have always wanted me to be happy first, then rich second, haha!
You were educated in Norway, so how do you rate the Norwegian education
system? What is bad and what is good?
你从小在挪威学习的,你是如何评价挪威的教育制度? 哪里好哪里不好。
I’ve never gone to Chinese school so it’s not in my place to compare the Chinese and
the Norwegian school system. But I’m quite satisfied with the education I have received here and I feel lucky to live here and receive free higher education.
Let´s talk about bullying. Have you heard or seen this in school, and how school or parents solve this?
As a child that grew up with a Chinese background, appearance and heritage, of course I was bullied in my youth. But most of the bullying ended in high school and in college and university I’ve rarely experienced openly bullying. But once in a while, I do experience offensive stereotyping and comments that is aimed at my minority
background. I don’t really care about these comments because I feel sorry for these
people that is not culturally advanced enough to step up from racial slurs and ignorance. As I child I rarely told me parents about the bullying that was aimed at my background, in fear they will separate themselves even more from the Norwegians. They always felt they were treated different in the society. Some sort of self-bullying. I didn’t want them to have more reasons to believe they wasn’t equal to anyone else, no matter nationality.